Originated from Kyoto, Japan, "Kyoto Katsugyu" was founded in 2014 with the intent to bring delicious beef cutlet to customers all over the world. Just like "Sushi", "Tempura", and "Ramen", it is believed that "牛カツGYUKATSU " will one day become the signature of Japanese cuisine culture. The journey started from Kyoto to all over Japan and to the rest of the world.
" Kyoto Katsugyu" picks only the best quality beef, along with the thin golden coating made from the perfect ratio of "flour x eggs x breadcrumbs". The beef is then deep fried at 190℃ oil temperature for 60 seconds, giving a crispy and golden coating while still maintaining a tender texture of medium rare; and with 7 different seasonings, it creates 50 unique flavors!
Starting from December 1, Kyoto Katsugyu's AIRSIDE branch will launch two refreshing fruity floral teas, allowing you to savour the natural essence of these delightful drinks.
Ocean’s Seasonal Harvest
Kyoto Katsugyu is going to launch three meticulously crafted seasonal sets on Dec 1. Visit our AIRSIDE branch to savour these limited-time dishes and indulge in the fresh flavours of seafood!